Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One One One One One

You may or may not know that one of my favorite bands is The Dodos. I've talked about them before but it needs to be said again and again: they are great. The band is a duo-turned-trio-turned-duo-again, but they make so much sound between the two of them that it's really quite hard to believe sometimes.

Their last album came out in fall of 2009, and while some of the songs on it were as good as the songs on their previous albums, Visiter and Beware of the Maniacs, like "This is a Business," "Fables," and the lovely "Troll Nacht" overall it was a major disappointment.

However! The wonderful guys who make up the band, Meric and Logan, just announced that their fourth album will be released on MARCH 15TH. Historically that day has been very bad; Caesar was killed that day, and I usually end up getting really sick for some reason. The Dodos are trying to change that by releasing their sure-to-be-amazing No Color.

Starting February 1st, you can pre-order it from their website, dodosmusic.net. For now you can check out a cool little video of them working on it in the studio.

I AM SO EXCITED. And hopefully you are too. I'll consider writing a review of it once I get it (through totally legal means! These boys deserve all of the money they can get, darnit, and I want to help!) in March.

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