Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Keep doing what you're doing," James Franco

I don't have school tomorrow and Friday, yay.

Even so, I'm too lazy to write a long-winded post per usual. So instead, here's a link to a hilarious story about a world without people - people who aren't James Franco, anyway.

This kind of satire/humorous fiction is one that I myself have wanted to write (remember the Biebs story that never made it here? yeah). But unlike me, Benjamin Percy (bold = emphasis) has managed to actually complete his story.

You can read the James Franco-abundant story here.


  1. LOLWUT. That was awesome.

    James Franco calling himself on the phone reminds me of "Hello, Alan Rickman. This is Alan Rickman. Reminding you to move the pork chops from the freezer to the refrigerator so they defrost properly. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME." Um. Yeah. I think that's from Family Guy or something stupid, but I've only seen that one clip, and I thought it was funny.

  2. Ahaha, that sounds hilarious. (You know, despite it being Family Guy.) This is it right?

  3. Yeah, that's it. Wish I had audio to listen to it ;_; Did you watch it?

  4. Indeed I did, and it was quite humorous.

  5. For some REALLY stupid reason, I read Benjamin Percy as Billy Pilgrim and then I thought about AP Lit and proceeded to weep.

  6. Oh god, don't even TALK to me about that class right now. T__T
