Thursday, September 23, 2010

As If You Needed Another Reason to Love Tim Gunn

I hate Taylor Momsen. I hate, hate, hate, hate her. Yes, perhaps it's pointless to hate some celebrity whom I've never met and is only a couple of months older than me, but I just can't stand people like her, regardless of their celebrity status or not. They're completely aggravating, they make other people their age look similarly worthless, and they're so stinking full of themselves, it makes me want to puke my chicken Gorgonzola all over their faces.

Thankfully, Tim Gunn seems to feel the same way:
"What a diva!" he told E! News of the 17-year-old. "She was pathetic, she couldn't remember her lines, and she didn't even have that many. I thought to myself 'why are we all being held hostage by this brat?"
... "I'd say, 'You know young lady, there are hundreds of thousands of girls who are just as attractive and even smarter than you. Why are you acting like this show is a huge burden on you?' She was on her phone during every break, I wanted to tell her, 'If you weren't on your BlackBerry, you can retain this stuff.' ''
Gunn says that he's not trying to assassinate her character, but that she annoyed the director and the entire crew.
"I learned from teaching to stick with the topic, I don't get involved in character appraisals," Gunn explained. "I'd just ask her 'do you want to share with me why you're always on your phone?' At one point the director leaned in and whispered to me, 'this is day in, day out, my life.' She annoyed the entire crew."
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Tim. What an annoying little brat this privileged girl is. Maybe I'm not the most thankful around, but god darnit it all, if I got to be on some kind of TV show, even one as frivolous and dull as Gossip Girl, I'd be plenty thankful, because that is so many people's DREAM. Taylor needs to stop taking it for advantage.

Also, if she would like to go buy a pair of PANTS, I'd be happy to go with her and help pick them out.