Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Approve of Your Butterflies, Alana Lee

I'm sure you've heard of Rebecca Black's "Friday." Really, does it need introduction?

This video is at once revolting, off-putting, and hilariously awesome. My life increased in hilarity by about 150% after my first three viewings. And now, so will yours.

If you are of the opposing opinion that "Friday" is actually one of the worst songs ever created then I'm sorry that you are either 1. blind or 2. a sad person. "FRIDAY" MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND. WE SO EXCITED GURL.

And then there is this.

This song is actually kind of decent but Alana Lee's constant scowling and the STINKING HILARIOUS climax towards the end makes me die laughing. "YES ALANA LEE WE UNDERSTAND YOUR BUTTERFLIES AND WE APPROVE." Too much. This song has been getting some play as the company's only decent song.

Ah, the company, you ask? What is the company? The company would be Ark Music Factory, which produces all of these songs and videos. (There are a LOT of them. Seriously. A LOT.) Basically you have to undergo a lengthy process to be accepted into their company; then, I BELIEVE (don't quote me on this), you have to pay them a fee and they will make you a song and video. They will also market you, although they didn't do such a great job of that. Did you know "Friday" has been around for a month but only has been popular for a week? Yeah, excellent, Ark. You know how to get your stuff out there, for sure.

 Well, there you have it. I'm sure both of those songs are stuck in your head now, like they are in mind. And as for me, well, I gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, I remember seeing Butterflies - the teacher!! The teacher bopping his head along at the end!! OH MY GOD! Hilarious.
