Sunday, June 27, 2010

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Postings To Bring You...

...this article that I read in the Sunday Styles today.

As evidenced in at least one place on this very web log (or "blog," for those of you multiple-syllables-impaired), I quite like art. Specifically, I like design: fashion design, building design, etc.

Every month when my mother receives a new, simplistically-designed Design Within Reach catalog, I swipe it quickly without giving it a second thought. Following this theft, I stalk down the hallway to my room and proceed to pour over each and every armchair, table, couch, and bed pictured. Left to right, then back again. If I could I would live in an IKEA, and my favorite part of the so-so Please Give was the used furniture store that Catherine Keener and her husband owned.

I love furniture. Repeat: I stinking love furniture.

So even though I had never heard of him before, and even though he was not quite as conventional as my aforementioned commercial architecture havens are, I felt quite drawn to Alex Williams' "The Mysteries of Tobias Wong," the front page article of today's The New York Times Style section. It helps, of course, that Wong lived a life that seemed perfect for a Hollywood (or perhaps a bit more indie) production. This story involves sleep terrors, elaborate pranks, and pills that make your poo silver. Its this undeniably cinematic undertone that compelled me to share this article with you; this story, although it may be real and its ending devastatingly sad, is as enjoyable and dare I say whimsical as a party in an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel (just finished The Great Gatsby today, by the way; pretty good).

Click here to read the article.

R.I.P. Tobias Wong. And don't worry, we'll be back to bringing you the finest in poorly-made dancing .gifs and Justin Bieber rants tomorrow. Or at least by Tuesday. Maybe Tuesday.

Photo credit: The New York Times (Dean Kaufman. Cool name!)

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