Friday, November 12, 2010

A Quickie: Catfish

Tonight I attended a special screening of Catfish. Here's my Flixster "review" (I gave the movie 4 stars):

I got a very cool opportunity to watch this movie at a screening that had a Q&A afterwards with the directors + Nev. VERY cool. And since I'm a kid and there were other kids there and kids are just awesome, Nev and Rel stuck around for an hour (maybe even more; they were still talking to other people 20 minutes after I left!) and took more questions and talked to us. Very cool. All of the other girls were fawning over Nev but my friends and I talked to Rel, who was similarly very nice (but not as...not charming, but obsessed with the ladies). So, very cool. Although Henry disappeared. I wanted to talk to him, too. Oh well. It was cool talking to/shaking the hand of a filmmaker.
Okay, it's not really a review, but if you haven't noticed it's almost midnight. So shut up. Blaaargh. (The movie was really good though, by the way. Funny and uncomfortable and sad and uncomfortable and uncomfortable and...)

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