Saturday, June 18, 2011


I graduate high school in a few hours. I don't feel as reflective as I think I should be. I'm just letting this song do the comtemplating for me.

The ultimate graduation song, naturally. High school was a weird time for me with a lot of good and a lot of bad...I think I had a romantic notion of what it would be and was disappointed when it didn't turn out that way, but I enjoyed a lot of my atypical moments as that weirdo people never knew the name of despite going to school with me since kindergarten.

High school ended on a good note, and I guess that's all I can ask for.


  1. Ending high school is always odd, we had to have an assembly in front of the school and we sat on chairs at the front, then the band from our year level played Summer of 69 (our coordinator sang it, her voice wasn't bad) - then valedictory party!! Woo! We didn't really have a 'song', the student committee just put together a heap of tracks, but I will always associate it with 'I Gotta Feeling', which played at least three times! It didn't really feel like the end for us though, because we had to go back for exams, and I know people who still visit the school, and we all still see each other at the local club. It was a kind of gradual realisation for me, that I was no longer a high school student.

    Best of luck to you!!!

  2. In AP Lang, we watched "Promnight in Mississippi" and the film had this song on it! Vitamin C was amazing. Graduation was too!
