Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, With Jesse Eisenberg

My sister is a better writer than me. You could replace "my sister" with anyone, except maybe Snooki and her ghost writer, and this statement would be true. However, humility and self-consciousness aside, my sister is assuredly a better writer than me. (I will, however, say that I have better grammar than her. And a little grammar goes a long way. I hope.)

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are made for people who are not only better at writing than I am, but also just better at writing than most people. Well, most people in grades 7-12 anyway. There are different levels of recognition, regional and national, and my sister just got the highest regional recognition today, the Gold Key! Winning the Gold Key moves you on to the National competition, where you are entered for the chance to win some pretty meaty scholarships.

Since I am a really amazing person, I am very supportive and wish my sister the best of luck. This is all well and good, but you may be wondering how this relates to my blog. My blog allegedly has a theme/purpose, so darnit I will honor that or I will die trying! Like 50 Cent! Blargh!

The relevance is this: as I mentioned before I think Jesse Eisenberg is awesome! He's a great actor and seems like a good person, too! This is evidenced by his association and sponsorship of the very same awards organization that just honored my sister!

What a wonderful coincidence! So not only does Jesse wholeheartedly believe in this organization, he also is willing to participate in their fundraisers. He (and the non-Asian but very Asian-looking Lili Taylor) will be doing a "literary reading" in the NYC on March 9th. Unfortunately, the bleeding thing is 1. on a Wednesday and 2. for people 21 and up. CURSES. Why does it have to be at a bar, you guys?! This organization celebrates YOUNG writers! Ugh. So close, yet so far.

If for some reason YOU are 21 and/or older and are reading this blog and feel a desire to torture me, then by all means go. You can buy tickets here. But don't think I'll be happy for you.

Edited to add: Maybe one day Jesse will read my sister's winning short story. At any rate, here is his excellent reading of this brilliant essay that won the Gold Medal two years ago.


  1. CONGRATS ALEXA!!! What piece did you submit???
    Jesse Eisenberg is the man. period. You too, Jared Dummit! You go Jared Dummit! That was an amazing essay.

    Allegs, let's get fake IDs! ;)

  2. Jesse Eisenberg is SO the man, man. LULZ, but yes, good for you Jared Dummit, you go Jared Dummit! (why did I just quote Mean Girls? whaaat)

    Consider it DONE, sister.

  3. That's so awesome!! Congratulate Alexa for me!! I was going to maybe enter but I kind of forgot until the deadline had already passed. Oops. I want to read her story! I am still sad that I WAS NEVER EMAILED ANY STORIES. WHATSOEVER. Okay. The end. Speaking of emails, I am also AWAITING A REPLY FROM YOU, YES, YOU. And speaking of stories I also expect more of yours. My quota of parenthetical statements has not been filled in a while now! And how can you say you are not a good writer?! Excuse me?! Okay, okay, the end for real.

  4. Hahaha, I wonder when you'll figure out that Alexa never sends emails ever? That being said, I will try to get her to send you some stuff even so. I was going to reply today during first period! But then I started reading reviews of stuff. Whoops. Sorry! And I was working on my story today and once I update it I'll send that long to you too. UM, YES, YOU ARE EXCUSED MISS.

  5. @Sang-mi: Thanks! I actually sent in a portfolio rather than one story, and most of the ones I submitted were written on the fly...
    @Amanda: Thanks (again)! And yes, I never send emails. But perhaps one day...
