Sunday, February 6, 2011


We saw this, The Illusionist, last night. So now I've seen all three of the Animated Film nominations. While this is my least favorite of the three, that is not because it isn't good. Actually, it's great, so, nomination well-deserved. While Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon had great CG visuals, nothing beats a beautiful hand-drawn, 2D film, and this one was one of the best-looking I've seen. The Triplets of Bellevile always creeped me out but this film is a must-see. Very funny, very touching...also very sad, let me tell you. I mean, if you cried at the end of Toy Story 3 (which, c'mon, you did) wait until you see how this one ends. Man.


  1. I thought "The Illusionist" was better than TS3 and HttYD. That's not really an insult to the other two films as I enjoyed them a lot, but I think The Illusionist simply had more to say than both of those films and left a bigger impression on me.

  2. I missed it the Melbourne International Film Festival last year (actually I missed the whole festival - boo!). Hopefully it will come out on general release or something...
