Friday, April 9, 2010


...Okay, so I lied. Fonzie was not six four.

But this is true: this is a blog.

And what is this blog about? Well, it's hard to say. I guess you could call it a "pop culture" blog, but that brings up some dreadful connotations. Writing about pop culture on the internet usually consists of stalking people (Gawker), or writing the same stupid thing over-and-over-and-over again (PopEater), or making "celebrities" look like idiots (TMZ, Perez Hilton, basically every other stupid blog on the internet, pop culture or not). 

So what can I call this blog? I guess I'll just call it a blog about things I'm interested in, like movies and music and TV and video games. Sometimes these things are awesome, and sometimes these things are not. But they will never involve Kate Gosselin or the Super Jonas Bros. This, I promise you.

P.S. This blog's name comes from one of my favorite things, Clark and Michael. There's the link, so you have no excuse not to watch it. (Episode 3 is the best/where the name comes from.)

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