Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apologies; This Post is Dedicated to Jennifer Robertson (And Pam Beesly)

I haven't updated my blog in exactly two weeks, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

It is not due to lack of interest or even lack of ideas; instead, I just haven't had any motivation to write anything at all. I'm lazy, I'm graduating, I'm depressed, I'm tired, and I really, really want an amazing cookie.

Deepest apologies to all of my fanatical readers, for I know there are many of you. How you have managed to survive without my periodic Liz Lee rantings and awkwardly-written NBC comedy reviews is beyond my comprehension; I know that, if I was not me and instead one of you, reloading the page anxiously in the hopes of finding a brand new post as opposed to the same Office review that you've been rereading with fervor for two weeks now, I too would feel confused as to how to live my life without new FWSF posts to illuminate the darkness that is my sad, sad life.

Well, I'm here now, so. Hi!

This post is dedicated to my dear, dear friend Jenni, who has been begging me to write a post for her for awhile now. She knows this blog better than I do, arguably. She also knows me better than I know myself sometimes thanks to her FWSF knowledge. It's a little frightening, but mostly awesome.

So. I've actually had a lot to write about lately. Today I wanted to write about Parks and Stinking Recreation, aka my new favorite show ever of all time, but I don't think Jenni watches it. YOU SHOULD, JENNI! I will write about it tomorrow maybe but think Season 2/3 Office with a smaller and more consistently awesome cast.

Today I will instead talk about Pam Beesly.

I know for a fact that Jenni loves Pam. A lot of people love Pam, most notably Jim, her husband. But me? I used to not be a Pam fan whatsoever.

I think that perceptions change a lot upon second or third watch of something. On my first watch of the Office, my clear favorite was Jim (and Michael). Second time? I still rooted for Jim, obviously, but it was far more about Michael for me. Third time? Interestingly, the third time I watched season 2, and then subsequently season 3 (then for the second time), I really related to...Pam.

Before I had found her unfunny, kind of annoying, and oblivious of Jim's feelings and how much better he was for her than Roy. But once I watched season 3 from beginning to end for the second time, I really resonated with Pam. Jenna Fischer was nominated for an Emmy that season and rightfully so; Pam is so convincingly torn between what she wants to do and what she is doing, and it made her extremely powerful to me as a character. She was the most real on the show, the most sympathetic. She was the new Jim.

So, Pam, this post goes out to you and Jenni. Enjoy some Pam moments below, because not only is she sympathetic but she is also surprisingly funny, especially in season 2.


  1. I would say this is my favorite posts but nothing beats your posts about for BFF J.Biebs!
    But the video is hilarious. :D

  2. Excuse my poor grammar I meant "your" not for. I don't know how I mixed that up.
